HTTP Direct Data Request

NOTICE! While the Direct Access option to extract data from the GCOOS Data Portal provides flexibility, but can be slow. We encourage users to use the GCOOS WAF to download monthly summaries or the GCOOS ERDDAP server whenever possible.

The following is a form to interactively retrieve data using a form (see the tab on Data Call Instructions for more on this). To retrieve data, simply provide the inputs and click on the [Retrieve Data] button to generate the CSV file.

Spatial Coverage

(The default values provided are the coordinates for a full coverage of the Gulf of Mexico. You may use the map in the introductory page to get new coordinates if necessary.)

Temporal Coverage

Select the date range (maximum of 3 days coverage):

  Year (YYYY) Month Day (DD) Hour (HH) Minutes (MM) Seconds (SS)


NOTE: All observations are served by this portal as they become available. Contact GCOOS if access to historical data more than 3 days are needed, or use the GCOOS WAF.

Select the observation to retrieve:

Other Options

QC Flags

Check to include the QC flags

Data Source

NOTE: Only data obtained by the GCOOS data portal can be served.

Select the data source to retrieve:

Output Format

NOTE: Only CSV format is supported to date.

Select the output format: and sorted by:


The following is the syntax for direct data retrieval from GCOOS repository.



{1} westlon,southlat,eastlon,northlat, where:

  • westlon = longitude of western edge of bounding box expressed as a floating point number
  • southlat = latitude of southern edge of bounding box expressed as a floating point number
  • eastlon = longitude of eastern edge of bounding box expressed as a floating point number
  • norhtlat = latitude of northern edge of bounding box expressed as a floating point number

{2} start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ {YYYY can only be the current year; i.e., 2023}

{3} stop date formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ {YYYY can only be the current year; i.e., 2023}

{4} observation to retrieve

  • air_pressure: for barometric readings
  • air_temperature: for air temperature readings
  • chlorophyll: for chlorophyll readings
  • current: for the ocean current data (speed, direction, meridional and zonal velocities)
  • do: for disolved oxygen and concentrations
  • relHumidity: relative humidity readings
  • salinity: for salintity measurements
  • turbidity: turbidity measurements
  • water_level: water level measurements
  • water_temperature: for water temperature data
  • waves: wave readings
  • winds: for winds (speed, direction and gust)

{5} data source which may either be:

  • Amerada Hess
  • Anadarko
  • Apache
  • ATP
  • BHP
  • BP
  • Chevron
  • Cobalt
  • Conoco
  • CUBENet
  • Deep Gulf
  • DISL
  • ENI
  • ENP
  • Enven
  • Equinor
  • Exxon
  • FIT
  • FWRI
  • Freeport
  • Helix
  • Kerr-McGee
  • LLOG
  • LOOP
  • Maersk
  • Marathon
  • Mariner
  • Marubeni
  • Murphy
  • NDBC
  • Noble Energy
  • NOS
  • Oxy
  • Petrobras
  • Repsol
  • Scripps
  • Shell
  • Statoil
  • Stone
  • TABS
  • Talos
  • Total USA
  • Walter
  • Williams
  • Woodside

{6} desired output format. Only csv is currently supported.

{7} ascending sort order:

dates: sort the output by dates;
provider: sort the ouput by data provider, then dates; or
station: sort the output by the name of the station.

{8} QC flag:

  • on: QC flags will be exported with each data (1: good; 1: not evaluated, not available or unknown; 3: questionable; 4: bad; 9: missing data)
  • not set: this is the default and no QC flag will be exported


To access the water temperature data in the repository for all the Gulf region for the period August 01, 2022 (time: 00:00:00 UTC) to August 03, 2022 (23:59:59 UTC) and sorted by dates, the call should be:,21.7,-80.5,31.0&start=2022-08-01T00:00:00Z&stop=2022-08-03T23:59:59Z&obs=water_temperature&source=All&fmt=csv&sortBy=dates&qc=on
