GCOOS Inventory of Assets

{NOTE: Statstics may take few minutes in certain instances to refresh.}

Contributing Data Sources
  Local Data Node Stations   294
  Federal Stations in the Area   153
  Total number of stations   447
  Total number of sensors   1,733
Sensor Statistics
  Air Pressure active 193
    inactive 95
    total 288
  Air Temperature active 199
    inactive 105
    total 304
  Chlorophyll active 20
    inactive 17
    total 37
  Dew Point active 16
    inactive 14
    total 30
  Dissolved Oxygen active 60
    inactive 50
    total 110
  Ocean Currents active 184
    inactive 132
    total 316
  Relative Humidity active 60
    inactive 53
    total 113
  Salinity active 256
    inactive 149
    total 405
  Turbidity active 41
    inactive 37
    total 78
  Water Level active 120
    inactive 43
    total 163
  Water Temperature active 346
    inactive 138
    total 484
  Waves active 31
    inactive 19
    total 50
  Winds active 201
    inactive 102
    total 303
Data Source Platform/Station URN Lat Lon Observations Status
ATP Oil and Gas Corporation (ATP)
  42381 - Innovator - Mississippi Canyon 711 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42381 28.2210 -89.6150 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42391 - Titan - Mississippi Canyon 941 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42391 28.0340 -89.1010 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42869 - Ocean Confidence - Mississippi Canyon 305 #2 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42869 28.6950 -87.9310 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Amerada Hess Corporation (Amerada Hess)
  42401 - Stampede TLP - Green Canyon 468 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42401 27.5090 -90.5560 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42874 - Deepwater Asgard - Green Canyon 468 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42874 27.4943 -90.5496 currents Active
          waterTemperature Active
  42878 - Noble Paul Romano - Mississippi Canyon 725 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42878 28.2460 -88.9280 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42879 - Ocean BlackRhino - GC512 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42879 27.4760 -90.5590 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42892.1 - Ocean Baroness - Garden Banks 386 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42892.1 27.5990 -92.2980 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42917 - Discoverer Inspiration - Garden Banks 200 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42917 27.7805 -92.7410 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42919 - Stenna Forth - Green Canyon 469 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42919 28.2600 -88.8850 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42935 - Tubular Bells Spar - Green Canyon 724 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42935 28.2350 -88.9950 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (Anadarko)
  42370 - Holstein - Green Canyon 645 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42370 27.3220 -90.5360 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Active
          dewTemperature Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Inactive
  42373 - Boomvang - East Breaks 643 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42373 27.3540 -94.6250 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42374 - Horn Mountain - Mississippi Canyon 126 and 127 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42374 28.8660 -88.0560 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  42377 - Constitution - Green Canyon 680 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42377 27.2930 -90.9680 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42379 - Marco Polo - Green Canyon 608 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42379 27.3620 -90.1810 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42382 - Gunnison - Garden Banks 668 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42382 27.3040 -93.5380 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42398 - Lucius SPAR - Keathley Canyon 875 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42398 26.1320 -92.0400 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42399 - Heidelberg - Green Canyon 860 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42399 26.1320 -92.0400 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42904 - Independence Hub - Mississippi Canyon 920 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42904 28.0850 -87.9860 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Apache Deepwater LLC (Apache)
  42925 - DPS-05 - MC 127 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42925 28.6933 -89.3783 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42938 - Ocean Onyx - Mississippi Canyon 674 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42938 28.2570 -89.2740 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
BHP Billiton (BHP)
  42393 - Shenzi TLP - Green Canyon 653 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42393 27.3010 -90.1350 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42871 - C R Luigs - Green Canyon 653 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42871 27.3310 -89.8780 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42897 - Development Driller 1 - DeSoto Canyon 726 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42897 27.3550 -89.7970 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
BP Inc (BP)
  42369 - Mad Dog Spar - Green Canyon 782 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42369 27.2070 -90.2830 airTemperature Inactive
          currents Active
          currents Active
          currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  42375 - Na Kika - Mississippi Canyon 474 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42375 28.5210 -88.2890 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          waves Inactive
  42376 - Marlin TLP - Viosca Knoll 915 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42376 29.1080 -87.9440 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  42853 - West Capricorn - Mississippi Canyon 562 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42853 28.4440 -88.2770 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42858 - IceMAX - MC822 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42858 28.1843 -88.4741 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Active
  42865 - Ocean Black Hornet - GC869-1 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42865 27.1457 -90.3195 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42868 - Discoverer Enterprise - Mississippi Canyon 777 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42868 28.2140 -88.5190 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42872 - Deepwater Horizon urn:ioos:station:wmo:42872 28.7380 -88.3660 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42880 - West Auriga - GC743 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42880 27.2243 -90.0141 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42885 - GSF Development Driller II - Mississippi Canyon 727 #2 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42885 28.2490 -88.8280 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42887 - Thunder Horse PDQ - Mississippi Canyon 821 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42887 28.1477 -88.5478 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          dewTemperature Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  42893 - ENSCO DS-3 - Green Canyon 825 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42893 27.1460 -90.3190 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42907 - Blacklion - MC562 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42907 28.4436 -88.2771 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42908 - West Sirius - Keathley Canyon 57 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42908 26.9090 -93.3050 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42916 - Development Driller 3 - Green Canyon 743 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42916 28.4450 -88.2770 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42920 - ENSCO DS-4 - Keathley Canyon 93 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42920 26.8650 -93.6610 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42G05 - BP Atlantis - Green Canyon 787 urn:ioos:station:GCOOS:42G05 27.1978 -89.9909 currents Active
          waterTemperature Active
Beacon Offshore Energy (Beacon)
  42881 - Deepwater Atlas - WR 51 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42881 26.9123 -91.5711 currents Active
          currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Active
  42891 - West Vela - GC944 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42891 27.0310 -90.9902 currents Active
          waterTemperature Active
  42891.1 - West Vela - Walker Ridge 315 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42891.1 26.6573 -91.5793 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)
  Tower No. N7 urn:ioos:station:COAPS:N7 29.6619 -84.3731 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          dewTemperature Inactive
          dewTemperature Inactive
          dewTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
          winds Inactive
          winds Inactive
Central Gulf Ocean Observing System (CenGOOS)
  42067.1 - USM3M02 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42067.1 30.0498 -88.6833 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
          winds Inactive
Chevron (Chevron)
  42371 - Typhoon - Green Canyon 237 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42371 27.7320 -91.1110 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42372 - Genesis SPAR - Green Canyon 205A urn:ioos:station:wmo:42372 27.7800 -90.5180 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42385 - Blind Faith - Mississippi Canyon 696 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42385 28.3400 -88.2660 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42386 - Tahiti - Green Canyon 641 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42386 27.3260 -90.7140 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42396 - Jack and St Malo FPU - Walker Ridge Block 758 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42396 26.2350 -91.2610 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  urn:ioos:station:wmo:42402 26.9327 -90.5202 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42876 - Conqueror - WR677 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42876 26.2981 -91.0936 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42888 - Rowan Relentless - GC 160 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42888 27.8165 -90.5291 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42905 - Belford Dolphin - Green Canyon 561 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42905 27.3960 -90.3050 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42912 - Discoverer Clear Leader - Keathley Canyon 829 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42912 26.2080 -91.4430 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42926 - Discoverer India - Keathley Canyon 770 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42926 26.2010 -92.8710 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42929 - Pacific Santa Ana - Keathley Canyon 10 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42929 26.9490 -93.4420 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42G01 - Deepwater Titan - MC937 urn:ioos:station:GCOOS:42G01 28.0262 -89.3011 currents Active
          waterTemperature Active
  42G03 - Anchor - Green Canyon 763 urn:ioos:station:GCOOS:42G03 27.2268 -91.1906 currents Active
          waterTemperature Active
Coastal CUBENet (CUBENet)
  42067 – USM-R4 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42067 30.0430 -88.6490 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
          winds Inactive
  42069 – USM-R3 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42069 30.0771 -88.7710 currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
  42072 – USM-R4 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42072 30.0498 -88.5823 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (COMPS)
  ANC: Anclote Gulf Park, FL urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:ANC 28.1930 -82.7890 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  ANM: Anna Maria, FL urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:ANM 27.5400 -82.7400 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          winds Inactive
  APK: Aripeka, FL urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:ARP 28.4330 -82.6670 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          winds Inactive
  BCP: Big Carlos Pass, FL urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:BGC 26.4040 -81.8810 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          winds Inactive
  C10: Navy-2 urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:C10 27.1690 -82.9260 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Active
          salinity Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  C12: West Florida Central Buoy urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:C12 27.4980 -83.7220 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Active
          salinity Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  C13: West Florida South Buoy urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:C13 26.0630 -83.0730 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  CPK: Campbell Park, FL urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:CAM 27.7650 -82.6490 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  EGK: Egmont Key, FL urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:EGK 27.6010 -82.7510 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  FHP: Fred Howard Park, FL urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:FHP 28.1530 -82.8010 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          relativeHumidity Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Active
  NFB: Northwest Florida Bay, FL urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:NFB 25.0840 -81.0960 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  SHP: Shell Point, FL urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:SHP 30.0600 -84.2910 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          relativeHumidity Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  TAS: Tarpon Springs, FL urn:ioos:station:USF.COMPS:TAR 28.1560 -82.7580 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          winds Inactive
Cobalt Energy (Cobalt)
  42898 - Rowan Reliance - Keathley Canyon 129 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42898 27.0260 -92.2370 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Conoco Phillips (Conoco)
  42368 - Magnolia - Garden Banks 783 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42368 27.2040 -92.2030 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42883 - Maersk Valiant - Alaminos Canyon 475 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42883 26.5150 -94.2120 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Conrad Blutcher Institute, TAMUCC (CBI)
  042: Nueces Delta 2: Nueces Delta 2 urn:ioos:station:CBI:042 27.8888 -97.5696 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  069: Nueces Delta Weather Station urn:ioos:station:CBI:069 27.8976 -97.6165 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  072: SALT01 (Nueces Bay, Texas): SALT01 (Nueces Bay, Texas) urn:ioos:station:CBI:072 27.8392 -97.4440 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  074: SALT03 (Nueces Bay, Texas): SALT03 (Nueces Bay, Texas) urn:ioos:station:CBI:074 27.8516 -97.4820 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  076: SALT05 (Nueces River, Texas): SALT05 (Nueces River, Texas) urn:ioos:station:CBI:076 27.8918 -97.6105 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  127: GBRA Station #1 urn:ioos:station:CBI:127 28.2598 -96.7737 currents Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  130: GBRA Station #2 urn:ioos:station:CBI:130 28.4073 -96.7122 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  138: Packery Current Meter #2 urn:ioos:station:CBI:138 27.6228 -97.2154 currents Inactive
  170: National Park Service - Baffin Bay: National Park Service - Baffin Bay urn:ioos:station:CBI:170 27.2970 -97.4049 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  171: National Park Service - Bird Island: National Park Service - Bird Island urn:ioos:station:CBI:171 27.4847 -97.3181 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  185: Nueces Bay urn:ioos:station:CBI:185 27.8328 -97.4860 airPressure Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
          winds Inactive
  236: Corpus Christi Meteorological TAMUCC urn:ioos:station:CBI:236 27.7151 -97.3288 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  242: Oso Creek Water Level Station #1 urn:ioos:station:CBI:242 27.7217 -97.4579 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  243: Oso Creek Water Level Station #2 urn:ioos:station:CBI:243 27.6888 -97.4293 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
  244: Oso Creek Water Level Station #3 urn:ioos:station:CBI:244 27.6569 -97.4016 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  256: Corpus Christi Meteorological Station #7 urn:ioos:station:CBI:256 27.8678 -97.6318 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  275: Corpus Christi Meteorological Rodd Field urn:ioos:station:CBI:275 27.6763 -97.3525 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  276: Corpus Christi Meteorological Carmel urn:ioos:station:CBI:276 27.7317 -97.3780 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  277: Corpus Christi Meteorological Cedar Pass urn:ioos:station:CBI:277 27.6851 -97.4169 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  278: Corpus Christi Meteorological Del-Mar East urn:ioos:station:CBI:278 27.7643 -97.4044 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  279: Corpus Christi Meteorological Del-Mar West urn:ioos:station:CBI:279 27.7735 -97.4401 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
Dauphin Island Sea Laboratory (DISL)
  WECP: West End, AL urn:ioos:station:DISL:WECP 30.0902 -88.2116 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  BSCA: Station Bon Secour, LA urn:ioos:station:DISL:BSCA 30.3288 -87.8293 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          dissolvedOxygen Active
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Active
          turbidity Active
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  CATA: Cedar Point, AL urn:ioos:station:DISL:CATA 30.3085 -88.1395 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          dissolvedOxygen Active
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Active
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  DISL: Dauphin Island, AL urn:ioos:station:DISL:DISL 30.2513 -88.0778 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          dissolvedOxygen Active
          salinity Active
          turbidity Active
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  KATA: Katrina Cut, AL urn:ioos:station:DISL:KATA 30.2583 -88.2131 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  MBLA: Middle Bay Light, AL urn:ioos:station:DISL:MBLA 30.4367 -88.0117 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  MHPA: Meaher Park, AL urn:ioos:station:DISL:MHPA 30.6671 -87.9365 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          dissolvedOxygen Active
          salinity Active
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  PPTA: Perdido Pass, AL urn:ioos:station:DISL:PPTA 30.2791 -87.5561 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          dissolvedOxygen Active
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Active
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
Deep Gulf Energy (Deep Gulf)
  42924 - ENSCO 8503 - Mississippi Gulf 214 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42924 28.7850 -88.0890 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
ENI Petroleum (ENI)
  42855 - ENSCO 8506 - Mississippi Canyon 772 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42855 28.2010 -88.7660 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42866.1 - Transocean Amirante - Mississippi Canyon 460 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42866.1 28.4910 -88.9970 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42881 - Transocean Marianas - Atwater Valley 428 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42881.1 27.5540 -88.3610 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42892 - Saipem Santorini - Mississippi Canyon 771 #5 ST2 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42892 28.2086 -88.7918 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42896 - Sevan Louisiana - Green Canyon 243 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42896 27.5900 -90.3100 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42909 - ENSCO 8500 - Walker Ridge 793 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42909 28.2010 -88.7520 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42921 - Deepwater Pathfinder - Mississippi Canyon 771 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42921 28.3540 -87.8200 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Enven Energy Corporation (Enven)
  42383 - Neptune - Green Canyon 613 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42383 27.3700 -89.9240 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42384 - Prince TLP - Ewing Bank 1003 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42384 27.9930 -90.3260 currents Active
          salinity Active
          waterTemperature Active
ExxonMobil (Exxon)
  42899 - Ocean Endeavor - Keathley Canyon 919 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42899 27.0660 -92.0600 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42930 - Deepwater Champion - Alaminos Canyon 65 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42930 26.9060 -94.9060 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42931 - Noble Bob Douglas - Green Canyon 364 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42931 27.6010 -91.3540 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42937 - Maersk Viking - Mississippi Canyon 211 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42937 28.7840 -88.2350 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI)
  FWRI MTB: Middle Tampa Bay urn:ioos:station:wmo:mtbf1 27.6610 -82.5940 chlorophyll Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  FWRI NPD: New Pass Dock urn:ioos:station:FWRI:NPD 27.3338 -82.5794 chlorophyll Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  FWRI OTB: Old Tampa Bay urn:ioos:station:FWRI:OTB 27.9320 -82.6475 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
Florida Institute of Technology (FIT)
  SIPF1 - Sebastian Inlet State Park North Jetty, FL urn:ioos:station:wmo:SIPF1 27.8620 -80.4450 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (FGBNMS)
  Bob - East Flower Garden Banks urn:ioos:station:NOAA.FGBNMS:Bob 27.9074 -93.5983 airTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
Freeport-McMoRan (Freeport)
  42933 - Noble Sam Croft - Green Canyon 643 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42933 27.3330 -90.5990 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42939 - Noble Tom Madden - Mississippi Canyon 84 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42939 28.8590 -88.0440 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Helix (Helix)
  42388 - Helix Producer 1 - Green Canyon 237 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42388 27.7300 -91.1090 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42859 - Discoverer 534 - Green Canyon 516 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42859 27.5140 -90.3760 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42901 - Q5000 - AC 857 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42901 26.1029 -94.8961 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
Kerr-McGee Oil and Gas Corporation (Kerr-McGee)
  42366 - Red Hawk - Garden Banks 877 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42366 27.1220 -91.9590 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42852 - Who Dat FPS - Mississippi Canyon 547 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42852 28.5010 -89.7690 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42866 - Noble Faye Kozack - Keathley Canyon 829 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42866 26.1905 -92.1319 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42875 - Amos Runner - Mississippi Canyon 751 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42875 28.1540 -89.8360 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42894 - Lorris Bouzigard - Mississippi Canyon 199 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42894 28.7700 -88.8340 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP)
  LOPL1: Louisiana Offshore Oil Port urn:ioos:station:wmo:lopl1 28.8850 -90.0250 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waves Active
          winds Active
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON)
  103: Western Lake Ponchartrain, LA urn:ioos:station:LUMCON:103 30.1889 -90.1683 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  101: LUMCON Marine Center, LA urn:ioos:station:LUMCON:101 29.2533 -90.6633 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          chlorophyll Active
          dissolvedOxygen Active
          relativeHumidity Active
          salinity Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  104: MissRiver-Audobon urn:ioos:station:LUMCON:104 29.5526 -90.8070 salinity Inactive
  105: Tambour Bay, LA urn:ioos:station:LUMCON:105 29.1874 -90.6654 airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          winds Inactive
  102: Terrebonne Bay, LA urn:ioos:station:LUMCON:102 29.1870 -90.6093 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  Wisner Station at Port Fourchon, LA urn:ioos:station:LUMCON:wisl1 29.1144 -90.1840 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
Maersk Developer (Maersk)
  42915 - Maersk Developer - Green Canyon 726 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42915 28.0100 -89.0430 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Marathon Oil (Marathon)
  42911 - Ocean Monarch - Garden Banks 515 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42911 27.4640 -92.4330 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Mariner Energy Inc (Mariner)
  42870 - Ocean America - Green Canyon 505 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42870 27.4580 -90.8840 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Marubeni Oil and Gas Inc (Marubeni)
  42910 - Frontier Driller - Green Canyon 248 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42910 27.8470 -90.7190 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42928 - ENSCO 8505 - Mississippi Canyon 496 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42928 28.9330 -88.5750 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Murphy Exploration and Production Company (Murphy)
  42360 - BW Pioneer buoy - C16471 - Walker Ridge 249 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42360 26.6890 -90.4590 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
          winds Inactive
  42387 - Thunderhawk - Mississippi Canyon 734 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42387 28.2670 -88.3990 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42397 - Delta House FPU - Mississippi Canyon 254 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42397 28.7545 -88.2673 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42867 - DeepSeas - Keathley Canyon 785 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42867 28.1830 -88.6290 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42874.1 - Deepwater Asgard - Atwater Valley (AT) 138 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42874.1 27.8077 -89.6474 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42877 - Q4000 - GC683 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42877 27.2700 -90.8100 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42889 - Medusa - Mississippi Canyon 582 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42889 28.3940 -89.4650 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42890 - Front Runner - Green Canyon 338 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42890 27.6250 -90.4410 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42932 - Deepwater Invictus - MC 253 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42932 28.7466 -88.3616 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42934 - Noble Stanley Lafosse - DC 090 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42934 28.8576 -87.8617 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42G02 - Noble Valiant - Atwater Valley 138 urn:ioos:station:GCOOS:42G02 27.8625 -89.6402 currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Noble Energy Inc (Noble Energy)
  42854 - Atwood Condor - Green Canyon 199 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42854 27.7680 -90.7980 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42860 - Atwood Advantage - Mississippi Canyon 40 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42860 27.9370 -90.0100 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42913 - ENSCO 8501 - Green Canyon 038 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42913 28.5090 -88.0310 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Oxy (Oxy)
  Ocean Blackhawk GC 727-5 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42884 27.2388 -90.8192 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42936 - DS16 - WR 24 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42936 26.9436 -90.7498 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, NOAA (PMEL)
  Cheeca Rocks Mooring urn:ioos:station:PMEL:Cheeca_Rocks 24.9000 -80.6200 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          xco2Air Inactive
          xco2Water Inactive
  Coastal Louisiana Buoy urn:ioos:station:PMEL:Coastal_LA 28.9000 -90.5000 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          xco2Air Inactive
          xco2Water Inactive
  Coastal Mississippi Buoy urn:ioos:station:PMEL:Coastal_MS 30.0000 -88.6000 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          xco2Air Inactive
          xco2Water Inactive
Petrobras - USA (Petrobras)
  42856 - Titanium Explorer - Walker Ridge 425 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42856 26.5200 -90.5310 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Repsol (Repsol)
  42903 - Rowan Renaissance - Keathley Canyon 686 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42903 26.3120 -92.6460 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF RECON)
  SCCF RECON Beautiful Island urn:ioos:station:SCCF:18 26.6955 -81.8138 chlorophyll Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  SCCF RECON Blind Pass urn:ioos:station:SCCF:12 26.4966 -82.1479 chlorophyll Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  SCCF RECON Fort Myers urn:ioos:station:SCCF:53 26.6493 -81.8810 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          dewTemperature Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  SCCF RECON McIntyre Creek urn:ioos:station:SCCF:56 26.4645 -82.1044 chlorophyll Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  SCCF RECON Redfish Pass urn:ioos:station:SCCF:51 26.5545 -82.1715 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          dewTemperature Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  SCCF RECON Gulf of Mexico urn:ioos:station:SCCF:16 26.4345 -81.9647 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          chlorophyll Inactive
          dewTemperature Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  SCCF RECON Shell Point urn:ioos:station:SCCF:13 26.5255 -82.0032 chlorophyll Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  SCCF RECON Tarpon Bay urn:ioos:station:SCCF:11 26.4679 -82.0631 chlorophyll Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Scripps)
  42084 - Southwest Pass Entrance W, LA urn:ioos:station:wmo:42084 28.9880 -89.6490 airTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Active
          waves Active
  42091 - Trinity Shoal, LA urn:ioos:station:wmo:42091 29.0870 -92.5060 waterTemperature Active
          waves Active
  42093 - Grand Isle Outer, LA (CDIP 256) urn:ioos:station:wmo:42093 29.0167 -89.8324 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  42095 - Satan Shoal, FL (CDIP 244) urn:ioos:station:wmo:42095 24.4072 -81.9668 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Active
          waves Active
          winds Inactive
  42097 - Pulley Ridge, FL (CDIP 226) urn:ioos:station:wmo:42097 25.7000 -83.6500 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          waves Active
          winds Inactive
  42098 - Egmont Channel Entrance, FL (CDIP 214) urn:ioos:station:wmo:42098 27.5903 -82.9313 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          waves Active
          winds Inactive
  42099 - Offshore St. Petersburg, FL (144) urn:ioos:station:wmo:42099 27.3400 -84.2750 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Active
          waves Active
          winds Inactive
Shell International E and P (Shell)
  42361 - Auger - Garden Banks 426 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42361 27.5500 -92.4900 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Active
          dewTemperature Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Inactive
  42363 - Mars - Mississippi Canyon 807 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42363 28.1600 -89.2200 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42365 - Ursa - Mississippi Canyon 809A urn:ioos:station:wmo:42365 28.1540 -89.1037 airTemperature Inactive
          currents Active
          dewTemperature Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42390 - Perdido Host - Alaminos Canyon 857 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42390 26.1290 -94.8980 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Active
          dewTemperature Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Inactive
  42394 - Olympus TLP - Mississippi Canyon 807 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42394 28.1570 -89.2400 airTemperature Inactive
          currents Active
          dewTemperature Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Inactive
  42395 - Shell Alcyone Buoy - Walker Ridge 552 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42395 26.4040 -90.7920 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
          winds Inactive
  4240042400 - Shell Appomattox - MC 437 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42400 28.5740 -87.9340 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42403 - Vito - MC939 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42403 28.0256 -89.2092 currents Active
          waterTemperature Active
  42851 - Noble Globetrotter I - GB 172 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42851 27.8243 -91.9936 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42861 - Deepwater Nautilus - Mississippi Canyon 348 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42861 27.7310 -87.9240 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42862 - Jim Thompson - Mississippi Canyon 984 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42862 27.5700 -92.3960 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42864 - Thalassa - AC 772 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42864 26.2298 -94.7289 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42873 - Pontus - MC 984 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42873 28.0086 -89.1623 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42877.1 - Cajun Express - Mississippi Canyon 762 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42877.1 28.1800 -89.2900 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42882 - Noble Globetrotter II - MC657 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42882 28.3638 -87.9283 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42886 - Discoverer Spirit - Mississippi Canyon 762 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42886 28.1700 -89.2400 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42895 - Island Performer - Mississippi Canyon 730 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42895 28.2730 -88.6620 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42902 - Deepwater Proteus - MC809 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42902 28.1589 -89.1321 airTemperature Inactive
          currents Active
          dewTemperature Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Inactive
  42906 - Poseidon - MC 801 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42906 28.1361 -89.4965 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  42922 - Noble Jim Day - Walker Ridge 508 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42922 26.4490 -90.7840 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42927 - Noble Bully I - Mississippi Canyon 567 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42927 28.4180 -88.0320 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42G06 - Whale - AC 773 urn:ioos:station:GCOOS:42G06 26.2237 -94.6737 currents Active
          waterTemperature Active
  42G07 - Stena Evolution - MS657 urn:ioos:station:GCOOS:42G07 28.3634 -87.9236 currents Active
          waterTemperature Active
  CGCL1 - Cognac urn:ioos:station:wmo:cgcl1 28.7910 -89.0560 currents Inactive
  WDEL1 - WDEL1 - Shell West Delta 143 urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:WDEL1 28.6620 -89.5510 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          dewTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
Statoil Hydro (Statoil)
  42914 - Discoverer Americas - Walker Ridge 543 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42914 26.8060 -90.5670 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Stone Energy (Stone)
  42863 - Ocean Victory - Green Canyon 300 #2 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42863 28.9620 -88.6960 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Talos Energy LLC (Talos)
  42362 - Brutus - Green Canyon 158 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42362 27.7952 -90.6475 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Active
          dewTemperature Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Inactive
  42364 - Ram-Powell - VK 956A urn:ioos:station:wmo:42364 29.0606 -88.0917 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Active
          dewTemperature Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Inactive
  42857 - Noble Don Taylor - GC 281 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42857 27.6910 -91.1140 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42918 - Noble Danny Adkins - Mississippi Canyon 849 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42918 27.6910 -91.1140 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42923 - Ensco 8502 - Green Canyon 504 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42923 27.7470 -91.0880 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  42940 - West Neptune - AC380 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42940 26.6001 -94.5577 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
Texas Automated Buoy System, Texas General Land Office (TABS)
  TABS B: GA-252 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42043 28.9818 -94.9186 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  TABS J: PS-1126 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42044 26.1914 -97.0507 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  TABS K: PI-745 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42045 26.2168 -96.4998 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  TABS N: HI-A595 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42046 27.8903 -94.0367 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  TABS V: HI-A389 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42047 27.8966 -93.5973 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  TABS D: TABS D urn:ioos:station:wmo:42048 27.9396 -96.8429 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  TABS W: TABS W urn:ioos:station:wmo:42049 28.3507 -96.0058 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  TABS F: TABS F urn:ioos:station:wmo:42050 28.8425 -94.2433 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  TABS R: TABS R urn:ioos:station:wmo:42051 29.6350 -93.6417 currents Active
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  TABS A:TABS A urn:ioos:station:TABS:A 29.5325 -93.8116 currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  TABS C:TABS C urn:ioos:station:TABS:C 28.8116 -94.7433 currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  TABS E:TABS E urn:ioos:station:TABS:E 27.3383 -97.1000 currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  TABS G:TABS G urn:ioos:station:TABS:G 29.5500 -93.4666 currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  TABS H:TABS H urn:ioos:station:TABS:H 27.8674 -96.5433 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  TABS L:TABS L urn:ioos:station:TABS:L 28.0416 -94.1166 currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  TABS M:TABS M urn:ioos:station:TABS:M 28.1921 -94.1914 currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  TABS P:TABS P urn:ioos:station:TABS:P 29.1662 -92.7365 currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  TABS X:TABS X urn:ioos:station:wmo:42052 27.0660 -96.3383 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network (TCOON)
  041: Nueces Delta 1: Nueces Delta 1 urn:ioos:station:TCOON:041 27.8897 -97.5916 salinity Inactive
  043: Nueces Delta 3: Nueces Delta 3 urn:ioos:station:TCOON:043 27.8838 -97.5332 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  079: SALT08: SALT08 urn:ioos:station:TCOON:079 27.8708 -97.5177 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  127: Bahia Grande Water Quality Station 1: Bahia Grande Water Quality Station 1 urn:ioos:station:TCOON:127 28.2598 -96.7737 currents Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  146: MANERR Station 2 (Copano East): MANERR Station 2 (Copano East) urn:ioos:station:TCOON:146 28.1324 -97.0345 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  147: MANERR Station 3 (Copano West): MANERR Station 3 (Copano West) urn:ioos:station:TCOON:147 28.0841 -97.2009 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  148: MANERR Station 4 (Aransas Bay): MANERR Station 4 (Aransas Bay) urn:ioos:station:TCOON:148 27.9799 -97.0288 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  149: MANERR Station 5 (Port Aransas): MANERR Station 5 (Port Aransas) urn:ioos:station:TCOON:149 27.8383 -97.0503 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  068: Baffin Bay (87766041): Baffin Bay; Point of Rocks, TX urn:ioos:station:TCOON:068 27.2970 -97.4049 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  013: S. Bird Island (87761391): South Bird Island, TX urn:ioos:station:TCOON:013 27.4847 -97.3181 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  006: Ingleside (87752831): Port Ingleside, TX urn:ioos:station:TCOON:006 27.8217 -97.2040 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  005: Packery Channel (87757921): Packery Channel, TX urn:ioos:station:TCOON:005 27.6346 -97.2370 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  057: Port O'Connor (87737011): Matagorda Bay; Port O'Connor, TX urn:ioos:station:TCOON:057 28.4460 -96.3961 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  524: Port Arthur (87704751): Port Arthur, TX urn:ioos:station:TCOON:524 29.8672 -93.9310 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  518: Rollover Pass (87709711): Rollover Pass, TX urn:ioos:station:TCOON:518 29.5150 -94.5133 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  003: Rincon del San Jose (87778121): Rincon del San Jose; Potrero Lopeno SW, TX urn:ioos:station:TCOON:003 26.8015 -97.4706 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  009: Port Aransas (87752371): Port Aransas, TX urn:ioos:station:TCOON:009 27.8398 -97.0727 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  031: Seadrift (87730371): Seadrift, TX urn:ioos:station:TCOON:031 28.4073 -96.7122 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
Total USA - Inc (Total USA)
  Matterhorn TLP - Mississippi Canyon 243 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42367 28.7420 -88.8260 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Walter Oil and Gas Corporation (Walter)
  42900 - Ocean Saratoga - Mississippi Canyon 583 urn:ioos:station:wmo:42900 28.3600 -89.4230 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Wave-Current-Surge Information System for Coastal Louisiana (WAVCIS)
  CSI10A: Fieldwood Energy, LLC site SS91 urn:ioos:station:WAVCIS:CSI10A 28.9192 -90.7744 currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  CSI15: Ship Shoal blocks 114A urn:ioos:station:WAVCIS:CSI15 28.8332 -90.8320 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  CSI16: Chevron MP41M platform urn:ioos:station:WAVCIS:CSI16 29.4012 -89.0355 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  CSI09: Grand Isle Blocks urn:ioos:station:WAVCIS:CSI09 29.1015 -89.9782 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  CSI05: Isle Dernieres, LA urn:ioos:station:WAVCIS:CSI05 29.0533 -90.5333 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  CSI03: Marsh Island, LA urn:ioos:station:WAVCIS:CSI03 29.4412 -92.0613 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  CSI06: South Timbalier Block 52, LA urn:ioos:station:WAVCIS:CSI06 28.8667 -90.4833 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          waves Inactive
          winds Active
Williams (Williams)
  42380 - Devil's Tower - Mississippi Canyon 773\ urn:ioos:station:wmo:42380 28.2090 -88.7370 currents Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
Data Source Platform/Station URN Lat Lon Observations Status
Everglades National Park (ENP)
  BDVF1: Broad River, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:BDVF1 25.4780 -80.9890 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  BNKF1: Butternut Key, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:BNKF1 25.0870 -80.5190 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  BOBF1: Bob Allen, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:BOBF1 25.0270 -80.6810 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  BWSF1: Blackwater Sound, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:BWSF1 25.1780 -80.4380 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  CANF1: Cane Patch, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:CANF1 25.4220 -80.9420 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  CNBF1: Cannon Bay, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:CNBF1 25.7020 -81.1860 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  CWAF1: Clear Water Pass, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:CWAF1 25.2970 -81.0130 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  DKKF1: Duck Key, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:DKKF1 25.1800 -80.4900 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  GBIF1: Gunboat Island, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:GBIF1 25.3780 -81.0290 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  GBTF1: Garfield Bight, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:GBTF1 25.1670 -80.8010 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  GKYF1: Garden Key, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:GKYF1 24.6272 -82.8722 airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Inactive
  HCEF1: Highway Creek, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:HCEF1 25.2540 -80.4440 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  JKYF1: Johnson Key, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:JKYF1 25.0530 -80.9040 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  LBRF1: Broad River Lower, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:LBRF1 25.4840 -81.1330 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  LBSF1: Little Blackwater, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:LBSF1 25.2140 -80.4320 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  LMDF1: Little Madeira, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:LMDF1 25.1760 -80.6330 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  LMRF1: Lostmans River, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:LMRF1 25.5560 -81.1690 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  LRIF1: Lane River, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:LRIF1 25.2840 -80.8940 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  LRKF1: Little Rabbit Key, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:LRKF1 24.9820 -80.8260 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  LSNF1: Long Sound, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:LSNF1 25.2350 -80.4570 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  MUKF1: Murray Key, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:MUKF1 25.1060 -80.9420 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  PKYF1: Peterson Key, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:PKYF1 24.9180 -80.7470 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  TCVF1: Trout Cove, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:TCVF1 25.2130 -80.5330 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  TPEF1: Tarpon Bay East, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:TPEF1 25.4100 -80.9640 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  TRRF1: Taylor River, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:TRRF1 25.2170 -80.6500 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  WIWF1: Willy Willy, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:WIWF1 25.5870 -81.0440 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  WPLF1: Watson Place, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:WPLF1 25.7100 -81.2490 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
  WRBF1: Whipray Basin, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:WRBF1 25.0720 -80.7350 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Inactive
  WWEF1: White Water -West, FL urn:ioos.station.NOAA.NDBC:WWEF1 25.2320 -80.9380 salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
National Data Buoy Center, NOAA (NDBC)
  42001: 42001 - MID GULF 180 nm South of Southwest Pass, LA urn:ioos:station:wmo:42001 25.8880 -89.6580 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  42002: 42002 - W GULF 207 NM East of Brownsville, TX urn:ioos:station:wmo:42002 26.0910 -93.7580 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  42003: 42003 - E GULF 262 nm South of Panama City, FL urn:ioos:station:wmo:42003 26.0070 -85.6480 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  42007: 42007 - BILOXI 22 nm South-Southeast of Biloxi, MS urn:ioos:station:wmo:42007 30.0900 -88.7690 winds Inactive
  42012: 42012 - Orange Beach AL Buoy urn:ioos:station:wmo:42012 30.0650 -87.5550 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  42019: 42019 - Freeport, TX 60 NM South of Freeport, TX urn:ioos:station:wmo:42019 27.9070 -95.3530 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  42020: 42020 - Corpus Christi, TX 50NM Southeast of Corpus Christi, TX urn:ioos:station:wmo:42020 26.9680 -96.6940 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  42035: 42035 - GALVESTON 22NM East of Galveston, TX urn:ioos:station:wmo:42035 29.2320 -94.4130 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  42036: 42036 - W. TAMPA 106NM West Northwest of Tampa, FL urn:ioos:station:wmo:42036 28.5000 -84.5170 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          currents Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Active
  42039: 42039 - PENSACOLA - 115NM East Southeast of Pensacola, FL urn:ioos:station:wmo:42039 28.7390 -86.0060 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  42055: 42055 - Bay of Campeche urn:ioos:station:wmo:42055 22.2030 -94.0000 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  42056: 42056 - Yucatan Basin urn:ioos:station:wmo:42056 19.8020 -84.8570 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  42057: 42057 - Western Caribbean urn:ioos:station:wmo:42057 17.0020 -81.5010 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Inactive
  BURL1: BURL1 - Southwest Pass, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:BURL1 28.9060 -89.4290 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          winds Active
  CDRF1: CDRF1 - Cedar Key, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:CDRF1 29.1360 -83.0290 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  FWYF1: FWYF1 - Fowey Rocks, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:FWYF1 25.5910 -80.0970 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  KTNF1: KTNF1 - Keaton Beach, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:KTNF1 29.8190 -83.5930 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  PLSF1: PLSF1 - Pulaski Shoal Light, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:PLSF1 24.6930 -82.7730 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  PTAT2: PTAT2 - Port Aransas, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:PTAT2 27.8260 -97.0510 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Active
  SANF1: SANF1 - Sand Key, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:SANF1 24.4560 -81.8770 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          winds Active
  SAUF1: SAUF1 - St. Augustine, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:SAUF1 29.8570 -81.2650 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  SGOF1: SGOF1 - Tyndall AFB Tower C (N4), FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:SGOF1 29.4080 -84.8580 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  SMKF1: SMKF1 - Sombrero Key, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:SMKF1 24.6280 -81.1120 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  SRST2: SRST2 - Sabine Pass, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:SRST2 29.6830 -94.0330 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  VENF1: VENF1 - Venice, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NDBC:VENF1 27.0720 -82.4530 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
National Estuarine Research Reserve System, NOAA (NERRS)
  apacpwq: Cat Point urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:apacpwq 29.7021 -84.8802 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  apadbwq: Dry Bar urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:apadbwq 29.6747 -85.0583 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  apaebmet: East Bay urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:apaebmet 29.7909 -84.8834 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  apaebwq: East Bay Bottom urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:apaebwq 29.7858 -84.8752 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  apaeswq: East Bay Surface urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:apaeswq 29.8580 -84.8752 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  gndbcwq: Bayou Cumbest urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:gndbcwq 30.3836 -88.4364 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  gndbhwq: Bayou Heron urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:gndbhwq 30.4178 -88.4054 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  gndblwq: Bangs Lake urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:gndblwq 30.3571 -88.4629 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  gndcrmet: Crooked Bayou urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:gndcrmet 30.3592 -88.4200 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  gndpcwq: Point Aux Chenes Bay urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:gndpcwq 30.3486 -88.4185 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  gtmfmwq: Fort Matanzas urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:gtmfmwq 29.7370 -81.2459 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  gtmpcmet: Pellicer Creek urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:gtmpcmet 29.6577 -81.2327 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  gtmpcwq: Pellicer Creek urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:gtmpcwq 29.6671 -81.2574 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  gtmpiwq: Pine Island urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:gtmpiwq 30.0508 -81.3674 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  gtmsswq: San Sebastian urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:gtmsswq 29.8688 -81.3074 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  marabwq: Aransas Bay urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:marabwq 27.9798 -97.0287 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  marcemet: Copano East urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:marcemet 28.1323 -97.0344 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  marcewq: Copano Bay East urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:marcewq 28.1323 -97.0344 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  marcwwq: Copano Bay West urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:marcwwq 28.0841 -97.2009 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  marmbwq: Mesquite Bay urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:marmbwq 28.1384 -96.8285 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  marscwq: Ship Channel urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:marscwq 27.8383 -97.0503 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  rkbfbwq: Fakahatchee Bay urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:rkbfbwq 25.8922 -81.4770 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  rkbfuwq: Faka Union Bay urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:rkbfuwq 25.9005 -81.5159 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  rkblhwq: Lower Henderson Creek urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:rkblhwq 26.0257 -81.7332 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  rkbmbwq: Middle Blackwater River urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:rkbmbwq 25.9343 -81.5946 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  rkbuhmet: Upper Henderson Creek urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:rkbuhmet 26.0501 -81.7017 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  wkbfrwq: Fish River urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:wkbfrwq 30.4162 -87.8228 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  wkbmbwq: Middle Bay urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:wkbmbwq 30.3900 -87.8177 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  wkbmrwq: Magnolia River urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:wkbmrwq 30.3900 -87.8177 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  wkbshmet: Safe Harbor Met Station urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:wkbshmet 30.4212 -87.8285 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          relativeHumidity Inactive
          winds Inactive
  wkbwbwq: Weeks Bay urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NERRS:wkbwbwq 30.3808 -87.8320 dissolvedOxygen Inactive
          salinity Inactive
          turbidity Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
National Ocean Service, NOAA (NOS)
  8720030: Fernandina Beach, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8720030 30.6717 -81.4650 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8720218: Mayport (Bar Pilots Dock), FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8720218 30.3967 -81.4300 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8720219: Dames Point, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8720219 30.3867 -81.5583 waterLevel Active
  8720357: I-295 Bridge, St Johns River, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8720357 30.1917 -81.6917 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8720625: Racy Point, St Johns River, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8720625 29.8017 -81.5483 waterLevel Inactive
  8721604: Trident Pier, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8721604 28.4158 -80.5931 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8722670: Lake Worth Pier, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8722670 26.6117 -80.0333 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8723214: Virginia Key, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8723214 25.7314 -80.1618 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8723970: Vaca Key, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8723970 24.7117 -81.1050 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8724580: Key West, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8724580 24.5557 -81.8079 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
  8725110: Naples, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8725110 26.1317 -81.8075 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  8725520: Fort Myers, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8725520 26.6477 -81.8712 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8726384: Port Manatee, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8726384 27.6387 -82.5621 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
  8726520: St. Petersburg, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8726520 27.7606 -82.6269 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8726607: Old Port Tampa, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8726607 27.8578 -82.5527 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8726667: Mckay Bay Entrance, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8726667 27.9133 -82.4250 waterLevel Inactive
  8726669: Berth 223 Met, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8726669 27.9172 -82.4438 winds Inactive
  8726673: Seabulk, Tampa, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8726673 27.9233 -82.4450 winds Inactive
  8726679: East Bay Causeway, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8726679 27.9289 -82.4258 winds Active
  8726694: TPA Cruise Terminal 2, Tampa, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8726694 27.9333 -82.4333 winds Active
  8726724: Clearwater Beach, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8726724 27.9783 -82.8317 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8727520: Cedar Key, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8727520 29.1350 -83.0317 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8728690: Apalachicola, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8728690 29.7267 -84.9817 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8729108: Panama City, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8729108 30.1523 -85.6669 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8729210: Panama City Beach, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8729210 30.2133 -85.8783 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8729840: Pensacola, FL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8729840 30.4044 -87.2112 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8732828: Weeks Bay, AL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8732828 30.4167 -87.8250 waterLevel Inactive
  8734673: Fort Morgan, AL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8734673 30.2283 -88.0250 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  8735180: Dauphin Island, AL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8735180 30.2500 -88.0750 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8735391: Dog River Bridge, AL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8735391 30.5652 -88.0880 waterLevel Active
  8735523: East Fowl River Bridge, AL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8735523 30.4437 -88.1139 waterLevel Active
  8736897: Coast Guard Sector Mobile, AL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8736897 30.6483 -88.0583 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8737048: Mobile State Docks, AL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8737048 30.7083 -88.0433 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          salinity Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
  8737138: Chickasaw Creek, AL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8737138 30.7819 -88.0736 waterLevel Active
  8738043: West Fowl River Bridge, AL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8738043 30.3766 -88.1586 waterLevel Active
  8739803: Bayou La Batre Bridge, AL urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8739803 30.4057 -88.2477 waterLevel Active
  8740166: Grand Bay Nerr, Mississippi Sound, MS urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8740166 30.4120 -88.4020 waterLevel Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
  8741003: Petit Bois Island, MS urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8741003 30.2133 -88.5000 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8741041: Dock E. Port of Pascagoula, MS urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8741041 30.3477 -88.5054 waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
  8741094: Range A rear, Pascagoula, MS urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8741094 30.3433 -88.5117 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  8741501: Dock C, Pascagoula, MS urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8741501 30.3550 -88.5667 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  8741533: Pascagoula Noaa Lab, MS urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8741533 30.3679 -88.5630 waterLevel Active
          waterLevel Active
  8747437: Bay Waveland Yacht Club, MS urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8747437 30.3264 -89.3258 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8760721: Pilottown, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8760721 29.1783 -89.2583 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8760922: Pilots Station East, SW Pass, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8760922 28.9322 -89.4075 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8761305: Shell Beach, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8761305 29.8681 -89.6732 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8761724: Grand Isle, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8761724 29.2633 -89.9567 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8761927: New Canal, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8761927 30.0272 -90.1134 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8761955: Carrollton, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8761955 29.9329 -90.1355 waterLevel Active
  8762075: Port Fourchon, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8762075 29.1142 -90.1992 waterLevel Active
  8762482: Bayou Gauche, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8762482 29.7886 -90.4202 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Inactive
  8764044: Berwick, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8764044 29.6675 -91.2376 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8764227: Amerada Pass, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8764227 29.4496 -91.3381 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8764314: Eugene Istans, North of, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8764314 29.2675 -91.3839 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          salinity Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8766072: Freshwater Canal Locks, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8766072 29.5550 -92.3050 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8767816: Lake Charles, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8767816 30.2236 -93.2217 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
  8767961: Bulk Terminal, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8767961 30.1903 -93.3007 waterLevel Active
  8768094: Calcasieu Pass, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8768094 29.7682 -93.3429 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8770475: Port Arthur, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8770475 29.8667 -93.9300 airPressure Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8770520: Rainbow Bridge, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8770520 29.9800 -93.8817 waterLevel Active
  8770570: Sabine Pass North, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8770570 29.7284 -93.8701 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  8770613: Morgans Point, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8770613 29.6817 -94.9850 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          salinity Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8770733: Lynchburg Landing, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8770733 29.7650 -95.0780 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          winds Inactive
  8770777: Manchester, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8770777 29.7263 -95.2658 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
  8770808: High Island, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8770808 29.5930 -94.3900 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8770822: Texas Point, Sabine Pass, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8770822 29.6893 -93.8418 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          currents Inactive
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8770971: Rollover Pass, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8770971 29.5150 -94.5130 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8771013: Eagle Point, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8771013 29.4800 -94.9183 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8771341: Galveston Bay Entrance, North Jetty, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8771341 29.3573 -94.7248 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8771450: Galveston Pier 21, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8771450 29.3100 -94.7933 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
  8771486: Galveston Railroad Bridge, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8771486 29.3020 -94.8970 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8771972: San Luis Pass, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8771972 29.0950 -95.1133 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8772447: USCG Freeport, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8772447 28.9433 -95.3025 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  8772985: Sargent, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8772985 28.7720 -95.6170 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Active
          winds Inactive
  8773037: Seadrift, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8773037 28.4080 -96.7120 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8773146: East Matagorda, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8773146 28.7100 -95.9130 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8773259: Port Lavaca, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8773259 28.6400 -96.5950 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8773701: Port Oconnor, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8773701 28.4517 -96.3883 waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8774230: Aransas Wildlife Refuge, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8774230 28.2280 -96.7950 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8774513: Copano Bay, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8774513 28.1183 -97.0217 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
  8774770: Rockport, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8774770 28.0217 -97.0467 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8775237: Port Aransas, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8775237 27.8383 -97.0733 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8775244: Nueces Bay, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8775244 27.8328 -97.4859 airPressure Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8775283: Port Ingleside, Corpus Christi Bay, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8775283 27.8220 -97.2030 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8775296: Uss Lexington, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8775296 27.8120 -97.3900 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          waves Inactive
          winds Inactive
  8775792: Packery Channel, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8775792 27.6333 -97.2367 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8775870: Malaquite Beach (Corpus Christi), TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8775870 27.5800 -97.2167 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterLevel Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  8776139: S. Bird Island, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8776139 27.4800 -97.3220 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8776604: Baffin Bay, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8776604 27.2950 -97.4050 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8777812: Rincon Del San Jose, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8777812 26.8250 -97.4917 airPressure Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8778490: Port Mansfield, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8778490 26.5546 -97.4221 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
  8779280: Realitos Peninsula, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8779280 26.2622 -97.2854 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8779748: South Padre Island Coast Guard Station, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8779748 26.0770 -97.1770 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          winds Active
  8779770: Port Isabel, TX urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:8779770 26.0600 -97.2150 airPressure Active
          airTemperature Active
          waterLevel Active
          waterTemperature Active
          winds Active
  8779749 - SPI Brazos Santiago TX urn:ioos:station:wmo:bzst2 26.0670 -97.1550 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  8772471 - Freeport SPIP TX urn:ioos:station:wmo:fpst2 28.9360 -95.2940 airPressure Inactive
          airTemperature Inactive
          waterTemperature Inactive
          winds Inactive
  mc0101: Atchfalaya Bar Channel, LA urn:ioos:station:NOAA.NOS.CO-OPS:mc0101 29.3183 -91.4297 currents Inactive